Dental Sealants

Tooth decay and cavities are common concerns that many of our patients face. Fortunately, with our tooth-colored sealants, we offer a simple yet effective solution to shield your teeth from decay, stopping small issues from turning into major problems. Explore how our sealant services can contribute to your lasting dental health.

Dental Sealants in Fairhope, AL

What are dental sealants?

Dental sealants are thin, protective coatings applied to the chewing surfaces of molars and premolars to prevent cavities. Made from plastic resin, they create a physical barrier that shields the vulnerable pits and fissures of the teeth from bacteria and food particles. By sealing these crevices, dental sealants help to reduce the risk of cavities developing in the deep grooves where toothbrush bristles often struggle to clean thoroughly.

Getting dental sealants is quick and painless, typically taking just a few minutes per tooth.

  1. The dentist or dental hygienist cleans the tooth surface.
  2. An etching gel is applied to roughen the enamel, ensuring better sealant adhesion.
  3. The sealant is painted onto the tooth and allowed to harden, providing long-lasting cavity protection for years.

Dental sealants are an effective preventive measure, particularly for children and teenagers at higher risk of cavities.


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Dental sealant procedure
  • How long do dental sealants last?

    Dental sealants are designed to provide long-lasting protection against decay and cavities. They can effectively safeguard your teeth for up to 10 years. However, their longevity can vary based on factors like oral hygiene habits and wear from chewing. Avoiding habits like chewing on ice or hard candy can also minimize wear and tear.

  • Can you eat after dental sealants?

    Yes, you can eat after getting dental sealants. Dental sealants are usually set and cured using a special light within minutes, making them hard and ready to withstand the forces of chewing almost immediately after application. However, waiting a short period, such as 30 minutes to an hour, is often recommended before eating.

  • Are Dental Sealants Necessary?

    Your risk factors for tooth decay and personal oral hygiene habits will determine if dental sealants are necessary. Sealants are highly effective in preventing cavities in the pits and fissures of molars and premolars, areas that are particularly susceptible to decay because they can be difficult to clean thoroughly with brushing alone.

    Here are a few points to consider when determining the necessity of dental sealants:

    1. Age and cavity risk: Children and teenagers are often ideal candidates for sealants because they are at a higher risk of developing cavities, especially in the grooves of back teeth. However, adults without fillings or decay in their molars can also benefit.
    2. Dental history and hygiene: Individuals with a history of dental decay or those with challenges maintaining optimal oral hygiene might find sealants particularly beneficial.
    3. Deep grooves in teeth: Some people have deeper grooves and pits in their molars and premolars, which are more prone to collecting food particles and bacteria, increasing the risk of decay.
    4. Preventive approach: For those who prefer a preventive approach to dental care, sealants protect against cavities, even in well-maintained mouths.
    5. Cost and access to dental care: The cost of sealants is generally lower than the cost of filling a cavity, making them a cost-effective preventive measure for many people. They can save time and the inconvenience of more extensive dental work in the future.

    Contact our office today so we can help assess your risk factors and recommend the best preventive strategies for maintaining your oral health.

More Questions?

If you have more questions about dental sealants, contact our office and we will be happy to discuss further.

Point Clear Dental Associates

18157 Wright Blvd.
Fairhope, AL 36532
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Monday: 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Tuesday: 7:00 am – 5:00 pm
Wednesday: 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Thursday: 7:00 am – 5:00 pm
Friday: 8:00 am – 12:00 pm

